We tend to think of conversion as a point in time when someone leaves a former religion, or atheism, and decides to become a Christian. But what if we thought of conversion not as a single moment, but a series of moments throughout our lives?
To convert (Latin, con – altogether, vertere – turn) is to turn around and go in a different direction. So let’s not think of conversion as just that one salvation moment when we accepted Christ.
This Easter, will you humbly consider your need for turning? Are there secret idols in your life? It could be your reputation, career, achievements, family, spouse – anything that is taking God’s top spot in your life.
Indeed, Jesus’ death has saved us once and for all, and there is no need to say the sinner’s prayer every morning. We are, however, still living in a broken world filled with sickness, injustice, and corruption. Yes, we are made whole in eternity in Christ, but not yet in the flesh as long as we’re alive on this earth.
This points us to the significance of the cross as we ponder His death and resurrection this Easter. The word ‘cross’ (Latin, crux) literally means a stake or upright post, used as an instrument of torture. In ancient times, many people were crucified, enduring torture and humiliation. But only one, Jesus, also bore our sins and suffered spiritual punishment for all.
Three days later, death became life in His glorious resurrection (Greek, egeiro, to rise, to stand again). And in our lives today, Jesus appears and greets us, offering us life—eternal life. For us today, the resurrection isn’t just an assurance of heaven after we die. It’s a promise of power for our earthly life right now, so that we may live victorious and “anewed” every day.
God’s Spirit gives us power, love, and self-discipline, so that our internal and external lives may be set apart for Him and deemed holy
Be “anewed” everyday in Christ, for His mercies are new every morning. He has conquered death and provided a way for us to be with God eternally
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