Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem was greeted with shouts of “Hosanna!” (Matthew 21:1-11). But what does Hosanna mean? It derives from a Hebrew phrase from Psalm 118—hoshiya na—literally meaning “Help now!” or “Save us please!” Over the centuries, the expression also changed to a shout of hope, exultation and relief that help has come.
‘Hosanna’ expresses our desperate hearts’ need to be saved, and that we’re thankful that Jesus has come to rescue us from our brokenness. He promises new life and a new direction, and ‘Hosanna’ is our outburst of praise at the amazing news that He has come.
New is a key word in the Bible. Scripture reveals that the Creator is constantly doing new things for us, around us, and within us. In the New Testament, ‘new’ (Greek, neos) refers to recency and something younger. Another term for ‘new’ (Greek, kainos) also means different—a new kind of thing, and it’s this kainos newness that describes the life-changing, world-changing work of Jesus.
Resurrection Sunday promises a new dawn, and historically, the term Easter is also connected to newness and resurrection. Easter comes from the goddess Eostre, celebrated by the Saxons in northern Europe to welcome springtime that brings life again to plants that seem to have died during the harsh winter.
But while we don’t believe in the goddess Eostre, we do believe in God’s creation of the world and of seasons. There’s something wonderful about how nature itself is hardwired to celebrate resurrection every year.
When Easter Sunday dawns, we can imagine standing at the tomb alongside Jesus’ mother and the other women. The tomb is open, empty, and we hear the words, “He is risen!”
Christ has conquered death and provided a way for us to be with God eternally. We now have a new life, restored in our relationship with God. We are new and made whole, and that is the true meaning of Easter. Hallelujah, Jesus is risen!
As we look the Cross, may we find a humble heart to turn our lives around and renew our understanding of Jesus’ suffering for us
Godly sorrow will lead to true repentance, enabling us Cry to get our hearts right with God to fully experience intimacy and trust in Him
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