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Malaysians’ Stories

Can I really experience God’s presence?

Let’s hear from leaders and contributors as they share their passion for serving God and their confidence in knowing His presence is with them through the ups and downs

Day 1 the perfect christmas?

Rev David Boey
"A Sea of Galilee, Full of Life"
Rev Law Hui Seng
"Bringing Light to the Longhouses of Sarikei"
Rev Dr Dennis Raj
“More Blessed to Give Than to Receive"

Day 2 He's Present

Pr Chew Weng Chee
"Clinging to God Amidst Challenges"
by Lee Kha Loon
"The Lord Does Not Abandon Us"

Day 3 Jesus, Our Immanuel

Elder Arnold Lim
"When Life’s Difficulties Point Us Back to God"
Rev David Boey
"God’s Love For Me Despite Stage 4 Cancer"

Day 4 The promise of Peace

"True Peace from Dark Times"
Rev Alvin Tan
"At Peace With My Vocation and Calling"

Day 5 Away from 'Home'

Rev David Boey
"Rooting Ourselves in God’s Family"
Dorothy Cameron
"Letting Our Children Go"

Day 6 God's kindness brings us home

Pr Chew Weng Chee
"When Someone Shows Kindness"
Pr Philip Chieng
"Finding God Again"

Day 7 Come, Lord Jesus

Dr Edmund Sim
"Waiting on God to Act"
Pr Ronnie Tan
“God Is Never Late, He Always Provides”

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