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More Blessed to Give Than to Receive

Dennis Raj

By Rev Dr Dennis Raj

Tamil Annual Conference Methodist Church in Malaysia

I wish to share a Christmas story that took place in my life. When I was 14 years old, my late father was then serving as the Social Concerns Chairperson of my local church. During Christmas that year, he decided to take me along with him on one of his “distribution rounds.”

During this particular trip, there were some used toys, apart from the usual used clothes and basic grocery items that were being given to the needy. As we had to travel in the church van to several poor homes that day, he assigned me to give out the used toys that were lumped together in a sack.

In one of the homes, there was a little girl about the age of seven. When I saw her and the torn clothes that she was wearing, a sense of deep compassion welled up within me as took in her plight and her family’s sad living condition. I then reached out to her with a rag doll that was there in the sack.

Although there was a small tear on the fabric of the doll, the girl’s face lit up with a beaming smile and she kept thanking me profusely for it. She then went to every family member to show them what she got that day. They too were happy for her for getting this “new” toy.

On that day I learnt the meaning of the verse, “it is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35). The simple experience had such a deep and profound impact on my young life. I will even say that I am a pastor today because I felt that I needed to give my life to God; so that through me, God can bring joy, peace and healing to many.

The small girl has since grown up now, is married and doing well financially. I am not sure if she still remembers the incident but every time I see her, I keep reminding myself that as long as I am here on earth, I want to be used by God to be a channel of blessing to those who need it.

I keep reminding myself that as long as I am here on earth, I want to be used by God to be a channel of blessing to those who need it

In this season of cheer and joy, let us look out for the needy, and willingly give something that may be trivial to us but could be of much value to them. It is not always about money or goods. If you can spend a few minutes of your precious time with those who are lonely, it would mean so much to them. Blessed Christmas.


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